
发布时间 2023-05-21 00:38:31作者: x-cuke
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<settings xmlns=""
  <!-- localRepository
   | The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
   | Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository

  <!-- interactiveMode
   | This will determine whether maven prompts you when it needs input. If set to false,
   | maven will use a sensible default value, perhaps based on some other setting, for
   | the parameter in question.
   | Default: true

  <!-- offline
   | Determines whether maven should attempt to connect to the network when executing a build.
   | This will have an effect on artifact downloads, artifact deployment, and others.
   | Default: false

  <!-- pluginGroups
   | This is a list of additional group identifiers that will be searched when resolving plugins by their prefix, i.e.
   | when invoking a command line like "mvn prefix:goal". Maven will automatically add the group identifiers
   | "org.apache.maven.plugins" and "org.codehaus.mojo" if these are not already contained in the list.
    <!-- pluginGroup
     | Specifies a further group identifier to use for plugin lookup.

  <!-- proxies
   | This is a list of proxies which can be used on this machine to connect to the network.
   | Unless otherwise specified (by system property or command-line switch), the first proxy
   | specification in this list marked as active will be used.

  <!-- servers
   | This is a list of authentication profiles, keyed by the server-id used within the system.
   | Authentication profiles can be used whenever maven must make a connection to a remote server.
    <!-- server
     | Specifies the authentication information to use when connecting to a particular server, identified by
     | a unique name within the system (referred to by the 'id' attribute below).
     | NOTE: You should either specify username/password OR privateKey/passphrase, since these pairings are
     |       used together.


      <name>aliyun maven</name>
      <name>repo2 maven</name>

      <name>aliyun maven</name> 



        <!--包含需要连接到远程仓库的信息 -->
          <!--远程仓库唯一标识 -->
          <!--远程仓库名称 -->
          <!--如何处理远程仓库里发布版本的下载 -->
            <!--true或者false表示该仓库是否为下载某种类型构件(发布版,快照版)开启。 -->
            <!--该元素指定更新发生的频率。Maven会比较本地POM和远程POM的时间戳。这里的选项是:always(一直),daily(默认,每日),interval:X(这里X是以分钟为单位的时间间隔),或者never(从不)。 -->
            <!--当Maven验证构件校验文件失败时该怎么做-ignore(忽略),fail(失败),或者warn(警告)。 -->
          <!--如何处理远程仓库里快照版本的下载。有了releases和snapshots这两组配置,POM就可以在每个单独的仓库中,为每种类型的构件采取不同的策略。例如,可能有人会决定只为开发目的开启对快照版本下载的支持。参见repositories/repository/releases元素 -->
            <!--true或者false表示该仓库是否为下载某种类型构件(发布版,快照版)开启。 -->
            <!--该元素指定更新发生的频率。Maven会比较本地POM和远程POM的时间戳。这里的选项是:always(一直),daily(默认,每日),interval:X(这里X是以分钟为单位的时间间隔),或者never(从不)。 -->
            <!--当Maven验证构件校验文件失败时该怎么做-ignore(忽略),fail(失败),或者warn(警告)。 -->
          <!--远程仓库URL,按protocol://hostname/path形式 -->
          <!--用于定位和排序构件的仓库布局类型-可以是default(默认)或者legacy(遗留)。Maven 2为其仓库提供了一个默认的布局;然而,Maven 1.x有一种不同的布局。我们可以使用该元素指定布局是default(默认)还是legacy(遗留)。 -->
