virt-top 命令查看kvm虚拟机的资源使用情况

发布时间 2024-01-11 16:31:20作者: 武平宁


virt-top : a 'top'-like utility for virtualization

  virt-top [-options]

  -1                Start by displaying pCPUs (default: tasks)
  -2                Start by displaying network interfaces
  -3                Start by displaying block devices
  -b                Batch mode
  -c uri            Connect to libvirt URI
  --connect uri     Connect to libvirt URI
  --csv file        Log statistics to CSV file
  --no-csv-cpu      Disable CPU stats in CSV
  --no-csv-mem      Disable memory stats in CSV
  --no-csv-block    Disable block device stats in CSV
  --no-csv-net      Disable net stats in CSV
  -d delay          Delay time interval (seconds)
  --debug file      Send debug messages to file
  --end-time time   Exit at given time
  --hist-cpu secs   Historical CPU delay
  --init-file file  Set name of init file
  --no-init-file    Do not read init file
  -n iterations     Number of iterations to run
  -o sort           Set sort order (cpu|mem|time|id|name|netrx|nettx|blockrdrq|blockwrrq)
  -s                Secure ("kiosk") mode
  --script          Run from a script (no user interface)
  --stream          dump output to stdout (no userinterface)
  --block-in-bytes  show block device load in bytes rather than reqs
  --version         Display version number and exit
  -help             Display this list of options
  --help            Display this list of options