发布时间 2023-11-06 22:09:38作者: Gu


 sync Sqlite structure started
 sync Sqlite structure succeed

 sync data started
 table: ai_template sync data succeed
 table: ad_dictionary_type sync data succeed
 table: ad_dictionary sync data succeed
 table: ad_user sync data succeed
 table: ad_user_staff sync data succeed
 table: ad_org sync data succeed
 table: ad_role sync data succeed
 table: ad_api sync data succeed
 table: ad_view sync data succeed
 table: ad_permission sync data succeed
 table: ad_user_role sync data succeed
 table: ad_user_org sync data succeed
 table: ad_role_permission sync data succeed
 table: ad_tenant sync data succeed
 table: ad_tenant_permission import data []
 table: ad_permission_api sync data succeed
 sync data succeed

SELECT a."Id", a."Topic", a."Body", a."Round", a."Interval", a."IntervalArgument", a."CreateTime", a."LastRunTime", a."CurrentRound", a."ErrorTimes", a."Status"
FROM "app_task" a
WHERE (a."Status" = 0 AND (a."Round" < 0 OR a."CurrentRound" < a."Round"))

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
      Now listening on: http://[::]:8000
info: ZhonTai.Admin.Core.Auth.ResponseAuthenticationHandler[12]
      AuthenticationScheme: ResponseAuthenticationHandler was challenged.
AuthenticationScheme: ResponseAuthenticationHandler was challenged.
info: ZhonTai.Admin.Core.Auth.ResponseAuthenticationHandler[12]
      AuthenticationScheme: ResponseAuthenticationHandler was challenged.
AuthenticationScheme: ResponseAuthenticationHandler was challenged.
fail: ZhonTai.Admin.Core.Filters.ValidateInputFilter[0]
SELECT a."Id", a."CreatedUserId", a."CreatedUserName", a."CreatedTime", a."ModifiedUserId", a."ModifiedUserName", a."ModifiedTime", a."IsDeleted", a."UserName", a."Password", a."Name", a."Mobile", a."Email", a."OrgId", a."ManagerUserId", a."NickName", a."Avatar", a."Status", a."Type"
FROM "ad_user" a
WHERE (a."UserName" = 'admin' AND a."Password" = '96E79218965EB72C92A549DD5A330112')
limit 0,1

INSERT INTO "ad_login_log"("Id", "CreatedUserId", "CreatedUserName", "CreatedTime", "Name", "IP", "Browser", "Os", "Device", "BrowserInfo", "ElapsedMilliseconds", "Status", "Msg", "Result") VALUES(479375531114565, 161223411986501, 'admin', datetime(current_timestamp,'localtime'), 'admin', '', 'Edge', 'Windows', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/', 157, 1, NULL, NULL)


D:\terrywork\>npm install
npm ERR! Invalid tag name "^6.1@.9" of package "@codemirror/lang-javascript@^6.1@.9": Tags may not have any characters that encodeURIComponent encodes.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2023-11-05T16_08_05_000Z-debug-0.log
  "dependencies": {
    "@codemirror/lang-javascript": "^6.1.9",



 有些图标显示不了,应该是css font字体被block了,

src\utils\setIconfont.ts 里面的

// 字体图标 url
const cssCdnUrlList: Array<string> = [