
发布时间 2023-08-31 15:16:06作者: DECHIN





class ForceField(ForceFieldBase):
    r"""Potential energy of classical force field. It is a subclass of `ForceFieldBase`.

        The `ForceField` class use force field parameter files to build the potential energy.


        system (Molecule):      Simulation system.

        parameters (Union[dict, str, List[Union[dict, str]]]):
                                Force field parameters. It can be a `dict` of force field parameters,
                                a `str` of filename of a force field file in MindSPONGE YAML format,
                                or a `list` or `tuple` containing multiple `dict` or `str`.
                                If a filename is given, it will first look for a file with the same name
                                in the current directory. If the file does not exist, it will search
                                in MindSPONGE's built-in force field.
                                If multiple sets of parameters are given and the same atom type
                                is present in different parameters, then the atom type in the parameter
                                at the back of the array will replace the one at the front.

        cutoff (float):         Cutoff distance. Default: None

        rebuild_system (bool):  Whether to rebuild the atom types and bond connection of the system
                                based on the template in parameters.
                                Default: True

        length_unit (str):      Length unit. If None is given, it will be assigned with the global length unit.
                                Default: None

        energy_unit (str):      Energy unit. If None is given, it will be assigned with the global energy unit.
                                Default: None


        energy (Tensor):    Tensor of shape `(B, E)`. Data type is float.

    Supported Platforms:

        ``Ascend`` ``GPU``


        B:  Batchsize, i.e. number of walkers in simulation.
        E:  Number of energy terms.



  1. 分子系统。这里面包含了原子类型、成键关系等构建力场所必须的参数,因此我们可以直接把构建好的Molecule对象直接传入ForceField。
  2. 力场参数。我们已经在MindSponge内部转化了一些常用的Amber力场参数文件,包含amber.ff03,amber.ff14sb,amber.ff96和amber.gaff等,还有两个常用的水分子力场spce和tip3p。我们在构建ForceField对象的时候,只需要用字符串给parameters这一项赋值即可调用相关的力场文件。如果是自己做了一个力场文件,那么传入该力场文件的绝对路径即可。能被成功调用的前提条件是,完全按照MindSponge的力场文件格式要求做的力场。
  3. 截断半径。在力场里面的长程相互作用力的计算中会使用到近邻表的计算,因为对大体系而言我们不太可能考虑全连接图,因此需要用一个截断半径对长程相互作用的范围进行一定的截断。


class WithEnergyCell(Cell):
    Cell that wraps the simulation system with the potential energy function.
    This Cell calculates the value of the potential energy of the system at the current coordinates and returns it.

        system(Molecule):               Simulation system.
        potential(PotentialCell):       Potential energy function cell.
        bias(Union[Bias, List[Bias]]):  Bias potential function cell. Default: None
        cutoff(float):                  Cut-off distance for neighbour list. If None is given, it will be assigned
                                        as the cutoff value of the of potential energy.
                                        Defulat: None
        neighbour_list(NeighbourList):  Neighbour list. Default: None
        wrapper(EnergyWrapper):         Network to wrap and process potential and bias.
                                        Default: None

        - **\*inputs** (Tuple(Tensor)) - Tuple of input tensors of 'WithEnergyCell'.

        energy, Tensor of shape `(B, 1)`. Data type is float. Total potential energy.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``Ascend`` ``GPU``

        B:  Batchsize, i.e. number of walkers of the simulation.
        A:  Number of the atoms in the simulation system.
        N:  Number of the maximum neighbouring atoms.
        U:  Number of potential energy terms.
        V:  Number of bias potential terms.


  1. 分子系统。就是前面构造好的system参数,或者Molecule对象。
  2. 力场模型。根据上一个介绍的ForceField类中构建的力场模型,有了这个力场模型,就可以直接计算各项力场的能量和力的大小。
  3. 偏置势。这一项虽然看起来只是一个参数,但其实最能够体现使用AI框架来做分子动力学模拟的优势,后面会专门写一篇文章来介绍。其主要作用是添加一些偏置势能项,用于约束分子系统,向期望的方向演化。比如我们可以添加一个球形谐振子势,把体系约束在一个给定体积大小的球体中。也可以通过bias添加Meta Dynamics,用于快速模拟化学反应的过程。
  4. 近邻表。相比于给定一个cutoff,这里给定一个近邻表会更加直接。由于近邻表在分子模拟的过程中有可能直接决定了分子模拟的速度,或者是可模拟体系的大小,因为近邻表所产生的最大Tensor维度有可能为(B,A,N,D),是所有Tensor中最大的。熟悉GPU计算的童鞋可能都知道,在GPU上占用显存过大有可能导致不可计算的问题。
  5. 修饰器。wrapper这个参数,为力场的使用增添了许多的灵活性。跟bias的功能是很相似的,但是bias相当于是添加了一个新的势能函数,而wrapper则是直接对原始力场的能量进行修饰。




from sponge import Protein, ForceField, WithEnergyCell
system = Protein('case1.pdb', rebuild_hydrogen=True)
energy = ForceField(system, parameters='amber.ff14sb')
with_energy = WithEnergyCell(system, energy)
print (with_energy.energy_names)
print (with_energy.calc_energies())


REMARK   Generated By Xponge (Molecule)
ATOM      1    N ALA     1      -0.095 -11.436  -0.780
ATOM      2   CA ALA     1      -0.171 -10.015  -0.507
ATOM      3   CB ALA     1       1.201  -9.359  -0.628
ATOM      4    C ALA     1      -1.107  -9.319  -1.485
ATOM      5    O ALA     1      -1.682  -9.960  -2.362


MODEL     1
ATOM      1  N   ALA A   1      -0.095 -11.436  -0.780   1.0   0.0           N
ATOM      2  CA  ALA A   1      -0.171 -10.015  -0.507   1.0   0.0           C
ATOM      3  CB  ALA A   1       1.201  -9.359  -0.628   1.0   0.0           C
ATOM      4  C   ALA A   1      -1.107  -9.319  -1.485   1.0   0.0           C
ATOM      5  O   ALA A   1      -1.682  -9.960  -2.362   1.0   0.0           O
ATOM      6  H   ALA A   1      -0.994 -11.866  -0.701   1.0   0.0           H
ATOM      7  HA  ALA A   1      -0.767  -9.928   0.292   1.0   0.0           H
ATOM      8  HB1 ALA A   1       1.816  -9.816   0.015   1.0   0.0           H
ATOM      9  HB2 ALA A   1       1.407  -8.427  -0.329   1.0   0.0           H
ATOM     10  HB3 ALA A   1       1.797  -9.446  -1.427   1.0   0.0           H


[MindSPONGE] Adding 10 hydrogen atoms for the protein molecule in 0.003 seconds.
Warrning! The head_atom of residue 0 is not None but the tail_atom of residue -1 is None.
Warrning! The head_atom of residue 0 is not None but the tail_atom of residue -1 is None.
['bond_energy', 'angle_energy', 'dihedral_energy', 'coulomb_energy', 'lj_energy', 'nb_pair_energy']
[[  45.856487     76.87538       2.9642215  -100.20307      -0.50251234
   206.13483   ]]


REMARK   Generated By Xponge (Molecule)
ATOM      1    N ALA     1      -0.095 -11.436  -0.780
ATOM      2   CA ALA     1      -0.171 -10.015  -0.507
ATOM      3   CB ALA     1       1.201  -9.359  -0.628
ATOM      4    C ALA     1      -1.107  -9.319  -1.485
ATOM      5    O ALA     1      -1.682  -9.960  -2.362
ATOM      6    N ARG     2      -1.303  -8.037  -1.397
ATOM      7   CA ARG     2      -2.194  -7.375  -2.328
ATOM      8   CB ARG     2      -3.606  -7.943  -2.235
ATOM      9   CG ARG     2      -4.510  -7.221  -3.228
ATOM     10   CD ARG     2      -5.923  -7.789  -3.136
ATOM     11   NE ARG     2      -6.831  -7.111  -4.087
ATOM     12   CZ ARG     2      -8.119  -7.421  -4.205
ATOM     13  NH1 ARG     2      -8.686  -8.371  -3.468
ATOM     14  NH2 ARG     2      -8.844  -6.747  -5.093
ATOM     15    C ARG     2      -2.273  -5.882  -2.042
ATOM     16    O ARG     2      -1.630  -5.388  -1.119
ATOM     17    N ALA     3      -3.027  -5.119  -2.777
ATOM     18   CA ALA     3      -3.103  -3.697  -2.505
ATOM     19   CB ALA     3      -1.731  -3.041  -2.625
ATOM     20    C ALA     3      -4.039  -3.001  -3.483
ATOM     21    O ALA     3      -4.614  -3.643  -4.359
ATOM     22    N ALA     4      -4.235  -1.719  -3.394
ATOM     23   CA ALA     4      -5.126  -1.057  -4.325
ATOM     24   CB ALA     4      -6.538  -1.625  -4.233
ATOM     25    C ALA     4      -5.205   0.436  -4.039
ATOM     26    O ALA     4      -4.561   0.930  -3.116
ATOM     27  OXT ALA     4      -5.915   1.166  -4.728


[MindSPONGE] Adding 57 hydrogen atoms for the protein molecule in 0.008 seconds.
['bond_energy', 'angle_energy', 'dihedral_energy', 'improper_energy', 'coulomb_energy', 'lj_energy', 'nb_pair_energy']
[[ 231.55423  1049.3224    194.43379    20.708637 -689.10315  4051.5076
   163.09871 ]]



from sponge import set_global_units
set_global_units('nm', 'kj/mol')







