
发布时间 2023-10-24 10:24:20作者: HardisonDream



Day 1 ;
Day 2:
1. Solution: FirstProject
2. Project: FirstProject
3. C# file: FirstProject
4. Class: FirstProject
5. Class member:
a. Method: MyMethod
b. Local Variable: myVariable
c. Global variable: MyVariable

Common math: pow, abs, square

Day 3;

Control flow statement:
1. Selector :
a. If
b. If else
c. Nested if
d. Nested if else
e. Switch case
2. Iterative
a. While -- precheck
b. Do while -- executed at ease once
c. For -- predetermined number of repetition
d. For each --simple use of for loop (array)
3. Transfer
a. Break --jump out loop
b. Goto --transfer the flow to the "goto statement"
c. Continue --break one repetition
d. Return --terminate execution of the function
e. Try catch -- finnaly (error handing)

Day 4
1. Char can convert to int but reverse cannot

Day 5
1. Modular
a. Variable scope:
Delegate signature includes the return type and argument type