already port 8080 was

【GiraKoo】Android Studio调试时,提示port无法打开

Android Studio调试时,提示port无法打开 现象描述 在Android Studio在进行调试时,无法正常运行。App闪退。 IDE提示: Error running 'app': Unable to open debugger port (localhost:64350): java ......
GiraKoo Android Studio port

Exception in thread "main" javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 465;

写一个QQ邮件发送,运行时报下面的错误。 百度翻译是:线程“main”javax.mail.MessagingException异常:无法连接到SMTP主机,端口:465;嵌套异常为握手异常:没有合适的协议(协议被禁用或密码套件不合适) 解 ......


参考: Windows 第一步: 寻找端口的进程号 netstat 命令找出端口占用的 PID 第二步: 杀死进程 taskkill 命令 kill 掉该进程 格式:taskkill - ......
端口 进程 8080

VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found

原因: VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found 出现的原因是你提供的视频连接可能没有扩展名导致,这样videojs无法知道视频的格式。 需要在type属性指定播放视频的格式 ......

修改ssh端口号之后报错:error: Bind to port xxxx on failed: Permission denied.

报错内容: [root@BabyishRecent-VM ~]# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config [root@BabyishRecent-VM ~]# systemctl restart sshd Job for sshd.service failed because a confi ......
Permission 口号 denied failed error

Serial port

前言 ​ 使用qt开发一款简易串口助手。 ​ 目标: 1. 实现正常串口通信。 2. 能够传输AT指令。(需要注意回车符) github仓库地址:shadow-wd/Serial-port-assistant: 简易串口助手 ( ==还在持续更新.......== 开发环境 w ......
Serial port

解决:Error running 'Tomcat 8.5.84': Unable to open debugger port ( "Interrupted function call: accept failed"

启动项目的时候,tomcat报错,错误内容是 Error running 'Tomcat 8.5.84': Unable to open debugger port ( "Interrupted function c ......

虚拟机报错:AVD xxx is already running.If that is not the case, delete the files

试过很多方法,文件删除后,加载仍然出这个错误。 我之后又想想,再添加一个虚拟机怎样,添加后运行便可以了。 ......
the already running delete files

Jmeter压测报错 Address already in use: connect

压力测试并发较高时候,可能会出现 Address already in use 异常 Address already in use: connect at java.base/ ......
BindException Address already connect Jmeter

vue3报错 Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object.

报错信息如下: Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoided by marking ......
Component received reactive object which

Pytorch中DDP,端口冲突(Address already in use)解决方法

参考:端口冲突(Address already in use)解决方法 ......
端口 Pytorch Address already 方法

使用echarts防止出现“There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.”的警告

var myChart; function historyMapInit(query_date) { //防止出现“There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.”的警告 //在使用echarts发现需要及时对新建的myChart实 ......
initialized instance echarts already There

Activity推送活动的时候引发的并发异常org.activiti.engine.ActivitiOptimisticLockingException: ProcessInstance[d38c3a8f-b0c2-11ed-b989-525400a941cf] was updated by another transaction concurrently

这是在推送任务的时候工作流并没有修改成功数据库内容所以抛出的异常,异常原因是是因为工作流事件中有修改工作流表数据的操作,然后推送任务的时候也有修改工作流表数据的操作,所以引发了并发冲突,在工作流监听事件的实现类中不可以调用工作流相关变更数据的操作 把事件中的这些操作去除掉就好了 ......

You must already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed to proceed with this installation

安装Crystall report for Visual Studio 2022 的SP 3时,呈现如标题异常: You must already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed to proceed wi ......

k8s 端口转发 port-forward 每晚断掉

原因: 连接空闲时超时锻炼 解决方案: 1. 修改配置, 将 streaming-connection-idle-timeout 的值设置为0, 2. 使用 while do 结构, 持续转发端口或者持续访问端口 采取第一种解决办法 1.全局查找 10-kubeadm.conf 文件 2.修改配置 ......
port-forward 端口 forward port k8s


package edu.wtbu;import;/*端口:表示计算机上一个程序的进程 1.不同的进程有不同的端口号,用来区分软件 2.被规定:0~65535 3.TCP,UDP:65535*2,单个协议下,端口号不能冲突 4.端口分类: 公有端口 ......
端口 port

react+echarts出现“There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.”

写了一个关于echatrs组件,报错dom重复 配置信息从props拿 let chart; useEffect(() => { if (chart) { updateChartView(); }else{ chart = echarts.init(dom.current) updateChartV ......
initialized instance echarts already react

To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier. P ......

Logstash could not be started because there is already another instance using the configured data directory

#执行报错[root@logstash-95 ~]# logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/stdin-test.conf Using bundled JDK: /usr/share/logstash/jdk OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warnin ......
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