articles reprint website from

[LeetCode] 2390. Removing Stars From a String

You are given a string s, which contains stars *. In one operation, you can: Choose a star in s. Remove the closest non-star character to its left, as ......
LeetCode Removing String Stars 2390

[Typescript] Inferring Literal Types from any Basic Type

export const inferItemLiteral = <T>(t: T) => { return { output: t, }; }; const result1 = inferItemLiteral("a"); // ? {output: string} /* vs */ export ......
Typescript Inferring Literal Basic Types

mac m1芯片安装win11 &&press any key to boot from cd or dvd

windows之前的系统镜像下载好几个都不支持m1,最新的11听说支持m1芯片,果断下载安装 下载链接: 官网的下载速度太慢了,这个用迅雷下载很快 迅雷链接:ed2k://|file|SW_DVD9_Win_Pro_ ......
amp 芯片 press boot from

Error occurred while running `from import *`HINT: make sure you have OpenGL install. On Ubuntu, you can run 'apt-get install python-opengl'.

安装mujoco后运行可视化界面代码报错: Error occurred while running `from import *`HINT: make sure you have OpenGL install. On Ubuntu, you can run 'apt-get i ......
install python-opengl you occurred apt-get

Information Gathering - Identifying Website Technologies

Information Gathering - Identifying Website Technologies By Online Websites By Browser Extensions Wappalyzer By Open Source Tool ......


1 /** 提交按钮 */ 2 async submitForm () { 3 let flg = true 4 await Promise.all([ 5 this.$refs['form'].validate(), 6 this.$refs['formTable'].validate(), 7 ......
表单 多个 el-from from el

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pymysql (from versions: none)

踩过的坑 不管是idea中直接引入还是 pip3 install pymysql 都会报错:ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pymysql (from versions: none) 原因是 网络问题,需要 ......

Elasticsearch(es)查询报错:Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [20000

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_phase_execution_exception","reason":"Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10 ......
Elasticsearch Result window 10000 20000

Linux|--sh脚本|--文件执行报错::Error response from daemon: invalid reference format

前言 由于Linux中的docker镜像和容器需要批量处理, 所以搞一个脚本,直接一下处理了, 1.我在Windows 10的本机电脑上新建了一个""文件 2.将""文件上传到Linux环境中 3.在Linux中执行"sh" 4.报错了... 第一次报错信 ......
脚本 reference response invalid 文件

文献阅读——The Augmented Image Prior Distilling 1000 Classes by Extrapolating from a Single Image


site-packages/flask/json/ from future import annotations future feature annotation is not defined

如果在使用 Flask 库时,出现了“future feature annotations is not defined”的错误,可能是因为 Python 解释器版本太低。在 Python 3.7 及以下版本中,from __future__ import annotations 是不支持的,因此需 ......

省选后的计划-from 省选 to 暑假

总觉得事情太多,于是趁着现在有时间,把接下来安排一下。 首先是头两周,将文化课补完后参加期中考试。拿到年级前 400。尽量往前面学,这样好留出后面的时间。 具体地,我希望在两周内学完(且掌握)理科必修一,二所有内容。 之后我就会腾出时间来继续搞信息了,省选让我感受到的第一点就是我与大佬的知识点之间存 ......
from to

"cni0" already has an IP address different from 问题解决

解决方法 删除历史的 ip link set cni0 down brctl delbr cni0 // 可以通过 yum install bridge-utils 安装 systemctl restart containerd && systemctl restart kubelet // 可选的 ......
quot different already address 问题

sqlserver 2012打开失败"状态代码 0x10。原因: Unable to retrieve registry settings from TCP/IP protocol's 'IPAll' configuration key. The data is invalid."解决方法

今天阿里云服务器上的sqlserver突然打不开了,尝试去打开服务,报这个错: 请求失败或服务未及时响应,有关详细信息,请参见事件日志或其他适用的错误日志。 于是我就去查看错误日志,错误原因为: TDSSNIClient 初始化失败,出现错误 0xd,状态代码 0x10。原因: Unable to ......
quot configuration sqlserver 39 protocol

How to get indices of top-K values from a numpy array

How to get indices of top-K values from a numpy array np.argpartition(probs,-5)[-5:] ......
indices values array numpy top-K

【THM】How websites work(网站运行基础)-学习

本文相关的TryHackMe实验房间链接: 本文相关内容:要对网站进行漏洞利用,你首先需要知道网站是如何被创建的,本文将涉及HTML&JS以及一些Web安全基础问题。 网站是如何运行的? 本文将介绍如何创建网站,并介 ......
websites 基础 网站 work THM

[Javascript] Create 2d array by using Array.from

// Initialize a 2D array with zeros const str1 = "Hello" const str2 = "World" const dp = Array.from({ length: str1.length }, () => Array.from({ length ......
Javascript Create Array array using

minio server pool+domain模式实现静态website服务能力

基于server pool 的核心是提供一个灵活的扩容以及灾备能力,基于domain 约定方便进行数据路由,功能上类似aws s3 的 提供的website 托管能力 参考图 简单说明 bucket 格式 bucket 格式类似了aws s3 托管模式 .<minio_domain> domain ......
静态 website 能力 模式 domain

Divide and Conquer: Towards Better Embedding-based Retrieval for Recommender Systems From a Multi-task Perspective

Zhang Y., Dong X., Ding W., Li B., Jiang P. and Gai K. Divide and Conquer: Towards better embedding-based retrieval for recommender systems from a mul ......

Learning model-based planning from scratch

**发表时间:**2017 **文章要点:**这篇文章想说,之前的文章去做planning的时候,都会去设计一个planning的方法。这篇文章提出了一个端到端的方法,Imagination-based Planner,不去设计planning的方式,做到全部的端对端训练,agent会决定什么时候去 ......
model-based Learning planning scratch model

pytest踩坑--运行报错DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3 ,and in 3.9 it will stop working

问题现象: 使用pytest运行用例时,用例执行完毕总会提示以下警告 警告意思:弃用警告:从collections中导入ABCs已被弃用,并在python3.9中将停止工作,可使用collections.abc代替它进行使用 但我代码中并未使用这个库,也没有导入这个库。就很纳闷 解决: 百度了一下解 ......

<div class="RichText ztext Post-RichText css-1g0fqss" options="[object Object]"><p data-first-child="" data-pid="6in8Lo1T">Spring 循环依赖一般包含 构造器注入循环依赖 和 ......
123027193 wufagang article details https

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. 经过排查发现是容器异常重启,造成的系统502响应; 具体重启原因:Back-off restarting failed container 阿里云 nas异常 ......
server received response upstream invalid

rust extract text from pdf files

[dependencies] pdf-extract = "0.6.4" use pdf_extract::extract_text; fn main(){ let text = extract_text("1.pdf").unwrap(); println!("{:?}", text); } ......
extract files rust from text

What does STP message do which send from switch to PC

What does STP message do which send from switch to PC Switches do not send STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) messages to PCs or end devices. STP is a proto ......
message switch which What does

org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException: Error attempting to get column 'classification' from result set. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid value for getInt()

问题:mybatis查询的时候,始终报这个错。我看了字段,应该是ClickNumber是Integer,为什么会报classification的问题。我试了几种方式,但是还是有这个问题。 包括使用resultMap来进行返回。 晚上看了很多方法,包括Druid版本啊,参数名不一致啊,lombok注解 ......

kubernetes failed to create kubelet: misconfiguration: kubelet cgroup driver: "cgroupfs" is different from docker cgroup driver: "systemd"

错误原因 kubernetes 的文件驱动与 docker 不一致,导致镜像无法启动。 docker info 可以看到驱动方式 Cgroup Driver: systemd。 解决方案 统一资源管理,一致使用 systemd 或者 cgroupfs。 在 Linux 上,控制组(CGroup)用于 ......
quot kubelet cgroup driver misconfiguration


关于aws-s3-bucket-静态网站托管相关的查询,这里笔者主要整理一下基于AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)方式,相关的判断和逻辑 1、首先是判断s3-bucket有没有开启静态网站托管,即页面上的 Static website hosting 的值 Enabled|Disa ......