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fish和pacman:“error: Unable to read input file: 是一个目录”报错的处理

问题描述 依照Arch Linux Wiki中,此页面介绍的方法,通过保持默认 shell 为 Bash 不变,然后添加exec fish到合适的 Bash 配置文件中,比如.bashrc,可以使得 Bash 会正常执行/etc/profile和/etc/profile.d中的所有配置文件。然而,注 ......
目录 Unable pacman error input

[LeetCode] 2085. Count Common Words With One Occurrence

Given two string arrays words1 and words2, return the number of strings that appear exactly once in each of the two arrays. Example 1: Input: words1 = ......
Occurrence LeetCode Common Count Words

how to work with FlatBuffers

flat_buffer - 1.70.0 FlatBuffers: Use in C++ https: ......
FlatBuffers work with how to


使用的是vue3-count-to组件 安装: npm install vue3-count-to --save 全局注册: // main.js import countTo from 'vue3-count-to' app.use(countTo) 局部引入组件并使用 // xx.vue文件 < ......
vue3 vue vue3-count-to 组件 数字

【每周一读】How to Detect Hallucinations in LLMs

准备开一个【每周一读】栏目,分享任何有意思的文章,不定时更新。 原文🔗: 原文作者:Iulia Brezeanu 1 什么是LLM Ha ......
每周一 Hallucinations Detect LLMs How

CodeForces 1919E Counting Prefixes

洛谷传送门 CF 传送门 考虑一个很类似的题。我们把正数和负数分开来考虑,最后用 \(0\) 连接一些连续段,形如 \(0 - \text{正} - 0 - \text{正} - 0 - \text{负}\)。 先考虑正数。设 \(f_{i, j}\) 为考虑了 \(\ge i\) 的正数,形成了 ......
CodeForces Counting Prefixes 1919E 1919

CF1919E Counting Prefixes 题解

题目链接: 题意 输入一个单调非减序列 \(p\),求问有多少个序列 \(a\),使得: \(|a_i| = 1\); 令 \(s_i = \sum_{j = 1}^i a_j\),则 \(s\) 排序后 ......
题解 Counting Prefixes 1919E 1919

初中英语优秀范文100篇-050How to Care for the Old-如何关爱老人

PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW050 记忆树 1 As is shown in the picture above, some of the elderly live alone. 翻译 根据上图所示,有些老人独自生活 简化记忆 生活 句子结构 1"As is shown in the p ......
范文 老人 初中 Care 100

[FreeBSD] How to modify hostname

Hi Matt, As root, type "hostname <new hostname>", and the hostname will be changedimmediately. To make this change permanent across reboots, edit the ......
hostname FreeBSD modify How to

如何在无窗口模式下运行GPG——如何在命令行模式下使用gpg生成秘钥:How to make gpg prompt for passphrase on CLI——GPG prompt for password in command line

参考: Unable to generate a key with GnuPG (agent_genkey failed: No such file or directory) ["No such file or directory" when generating a gpg key](https ......
模式 prompt passphrase GPG gpg

How To Remove the Oracle OLAP API Objects From 9i and 11g Databases (Doc ID 278111.1)

How to remove the Oracle OLAP API objects from a 9i database We can consider like olap api objects: -) objects in the schema of olapsys; -) public syn ......
Databases 278111.1 Objects 278111 Remove

[ABC212H] Nim Counting

题目本质就是对一个多项式 \(F\) 进行等比数列求和得到 \(G\)(\(F_i\) 表示 \(i\) 在序列 \(A\) 中的出现次数),求 \(G\) 所有下标 \(>0\) 的位置的权值和。 显然,\(M\) 固定就可以直接做了。但 \(M\) 不固定,所以我们只能暴力枚举 \(M\) 并进 ......
Counting 212H ABC 212 Nim

利用强化学习算法解释人类脑对高维状态的抽象表示:how humans can map high-dimensional sensory inputs in actions

论文: 《Using deep reinforcement learning to reveal how the brain encodes abstract state-space representations in high-dimensional environments》 地址: http ......

Applied Statistics - 应用统计学习 - numpy array交换两行 ? How to Swap Two Rows in a NumPy Array (With Example) How to Swap Two Rows in a NumPy Array (Wit ......
Statistics Applied Example Array NumPy

CF1884D Counting Rhyme 题解

Problem - D - Codeforces Counting Rhyme - 洛谷 法1: 我们之前肯定看过这样一道非常经典的题: 求 \(a_i\) 中有多少对 \((i,j)\),满足 \(\gcd(a_i,a_j)=1\) \(n \leq 10^6\) 这题是莫反板子题,但显然可以不用 ......
题解 Counting 1884D Rhyme 1884

BigDataAIML-Kaggle-How to Calculate Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from Scratch in Python

How to Calculate Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from Scratch in Python PCA using N ......

fish shell PATH设定

首先,让我们来了解一下fish shell中如何设置PATH变量。根据您提供的信息,fish shell的PATH变量可以通过几种方法进行设置。在fish shell中,PATH变量是用来指定可执行文件的搜索路径的环境变量。这个变量告诉shell在哪些目录中查找命令。 根据提供的信息,以下是一种在f ......
shell fish PATH How to install Android on PC: These are your best options How to install Android on PC: These are you ......
android-x android Android install options

Thoughts and ideas about how to apply LLMs in specific domains like clinic/law/finance

Applying LLMs in Specific Domains As a university student who has just completed fine-tuning TinyLLaMA-1b with clinical instruction data using the QLo ......
Thoughts specific domains finance clinic

How does B-tree make your queries fast?

原文 ......
queries B-tree does tree make

[how does it work series] std::bind

本文不是一篇对std::bind的源码分析,而是试图通过逐步推导的方式,不断迭代优化,最终实现一版能阐述清核心原理的demo。非常像真实的开发过程。 事实上,关于std::bind的源码分析已有优质的讲解,建议想深入了解的读者参阅。 什么是std::bind? std::bind 是 C++ 标准库 ......
series does bind work how


# 写法:字符串.count(子字符串)# 定义:获取字符串中子字符串出现的次数,如果没有则为0 s = '标题:女子答应给大叔生个胖娃娃,他比我大18大叔岁,希望别辜负我!' print(s.count('大'))print(s.count('大小')) ......

How to Master the Popular DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm for Machine Learning

Overview DBSCAN clustering is an underrated yet super useful clustering algorithm for unsupervised learning problems Learn how DBSCAN clustering works ......


title: C++数组元素个数计算 author: Tokisaki Galaxy top: false cover: false toc: true mathjax: false date: 2019-12-03 img: coverImg: excerpt: C++数组元素个数计算 tags: ......

How to permanently delete a file stored in GIT (both from the local and remote repositories)?

First run git filter-branch -f --index-filter "git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch FOLDERNAME" -- --all Then shrink the .git folder rm -rf .git/refs/ ......

How to Enable Root Login Via SSH on Ubuntu 23.10

* [How to Enable Root Login Via SSH on Ubuntu 23.10 - Devtutorial]( ......
Enable Ubuntu 23.10 Login Root

How can I do to protect the Environmental

How can I do to protect the Environmental Protecting the environment is an important responsibility that we all share. Here are some simple steps you ......
Environmental protect How can the

How to Read a Paper

paper.dvi ......
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产品开发 Know-How 产品 企业 Know

Scale-Prior Deformable Convolution for Exemplar-Guided Class-Agnostic Counting

Scale-Prior Deformable Convolution for Exemplar-Guided Class-Agnostic Counting 初读印象 comment:: (计数用的一个网络)提出了一个标度优先的可变形卷积,将典范的信息,例如标度,整合到计数网络主干中。 动机 本文考 ......
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