learning summary second the

AtCoder World Tour 2022 B The Greatest Two

原题面:https://atcoder.jp/contests/wtf22-day2/tasks/wtf22_day2_b 题面翻译: 一个长度为 \(n\) 的排列 \(p\),每次可以把一个长 \(k\) 区间的最大与次大值交换,问操作任意次数后可以得到的排列数量对 \(998244353\) ......
Greatest AtCoder World 2022 Tour

Introducing the incident management

Forward Today, we talk about the significance of incident management. Firstly, we start it by some simple concepts. What exactly the incident is? Or w ......
Introducing management incident the

A connection was successfully established with the server but then an error

在使用EFCore生成数据库的时候,报上面的错误! 解决方法: 加(Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;)即可: "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Data Source=LAPTOP;Initia ......

《RAPL: A Relation-Aware Prototype Learning Approach for Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction》阅读笔记

代码 原文地址 预备知识: 1.什么是元学习(Meta Learning)? 元学习或者叫做“学会学习”(Learning to learn),它是要“学会如何学习”,即利用以往的知识经验来指导新任务的学习,具有学会学习的能力。由于元学习可帮助模型在少量样本下快速学习,从元学习的使用角度看,人们也称 ......

【五期李伟平】CCF-A(AAAI'21)Game of Gradients: Mitigating Irrelevant Clients in Federated Learning

Nagalapatti, Lokesh , and R. Narayanam . "Game of Gradients: Mitigating Irrelevant Clients in Federated Learning." (2021). 针对联邦学习中相关客户端选择(FRCS)的问题,本文提 ......

An improved LSTM-based model for identifying high working intensity load segments of the tractor load spectrum

一区top Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 题目: “基于改进 lstm 的拖拉机载荷谱高工作强度载荷段识别模型” (pdf) “An improved LSTM-based model for identifying high working in ......

web项目启动时dubbo报错: No provider available for the service com.davidhu.shopguide.api.service.UserEventService from the url zookeeper ://localhost:2181/org.apache.du

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to check the status of the service com.davidhu.shopguide.api.service.UserEventService. No provider ......

初中英语优秀范文100篇-056I have the courage to accept the challenge-我有勇气接受挑战

PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW056 记忆树 1 Every year there is a singing competition in our school. 翻译 每一年,我们学校都会举行一场歌唱比赛。 简化记忆 比赛 句子结构 主语 ("Every year"):表示时间状语的短语 ......
范文 challenge the 勇气 初中

org.springframework.kafka.listener.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Listener method could not be invoked with the incoming message

问题描述 kafka在yml文件中未开启批量消费时,程序正常运行;但一开启正常消费后,就直接报错;排查问题的过程中一直觉得是配置文件里的问题,最后发现是消费者接受的参数类型错误 问题本质 消费者开启批量消费数据后,不能用单个实体类接收参数,而应该用list 解决方法 修改消费者函数参数类型 ......

redis报错MISCONF Errors writing to the AOF file: No space left on device,磁盘满无法写入数据报错

查询报错远程调用接口异常,F12查看网络和标投和预览到是mgr的接口此错误#根据报错提示:Error in execution; nested excepti on is io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: MISCONF Errors w ......
磁盘 MISCONF writing 数据 Errors

[linux kernel] struct pid && the way the kernel used to cast uint32_t pid to struct task_struct

摘抄内容引用自linux kernel document description pre the initialization and the manage of the struct pid is use IDR.(implement by hash table->(why not array?- ......
struct kernel task_struct amp pid

【scikit-learn基础】--『监督学习』之 支持向量机分类

支持向量机也是一种既可以处理分类问题,也可以处理回归问题的算法。关于支持向量机在回归问题上的应用,请参考:TODO 支持向量机分类广泛应用于图像识别、文本分类、生物信息学(例如基因分类)、手写数字识别等领域。 1. 算法概述 支持向量机的主要思想是找到一个超平面,将不同类别的样本最大化地分隔开。超平 ......
向量 scikit-learn 基础 scikit learn

Redis - (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli> SET bike:1 "Process 134" OK> GET bike:1 "Process 134"> HSET ......
Operation WRONGTYPE against holding Redis

The Acdamic Guideline

How to write your papers? Introduction Problem Methods Results Simulation How to start your research? Observation Problem Reserach Hypothesis Experime ......
Guideline Acdamic The

解决前后端的跨域问题:Access to XMLHttpRequest at '**' from origin '**' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

报错信息: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:8182/cooperationRequest/getList' from origin 'http://localhost:3004' has been blocked by CORS poli ......

Learning Dynamic Query Combinations for Transformer-based Object** Detection and Segmentation论文阅读笔记

Motivation & Intro 基于DETR的目标检测范式(语义分割的Maskformer也与之相似)通常会用到一系列固定的query,这些query是图像中目标对象位置和语义的全局先验。如果能够根据图像的语义信息调整query,就可以捕捉特定场景中物体位置和类别的分布。例如,当高级语义显示图 ......

Understanding the linux kernel Chapter2 Memory Addressing

Physical Memory Layout unavailable address for kernel either because they map hardware devices’ I/O shared memory or because the corresponding page fr ......

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource', 跨域访问的解决方法

https://blog.csdn.net/dear_little_bear/article/details/83999391 1. 当请求不在同一域名下的资源文件(ip地址+端口号)时,会报如下错误:“No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is prese ......

Unlocking the Road to Success: The Benefits of Online Driver's Education

In the fast-paced world we live in, online education has become a staple for acquiring new skills and knowledge. This trend extends to driver's educat ......
Unlocking Education Benefits Success Online

The Evolution of Smart Car Technology: A Glimpse into the Future of Mobility

In the last decade, the automotive industry has witnessed a transformative shift towards smart car technology. Once a futuristic concept, smart cars a ......
Technology Evolution Mobility Glimpse Future

the ObjectARX system dynamic linker object

ObjectARX Reference Guide > Macros > AcRx Macros > acrxDynamicLinker Macro acrxDynamicLinkerC++ define acrxDynamicLinker \ AcRxDynamicLinker::cast(acr ......
ObjectARX dynamic system linker object

MySQL Ignoring the redo log due to missing MLOG_CHECKPOINT between the checkpoint

错误信息: 2023-12-12T09:32:31.383149Z 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Ignoring the redo log due to missing MLOG_CHECKPOINT between the checkpoint 5777611209 and the end ......

【scikit-learn基础】--『监督学习』之 随机森林分类

随机森林分类算法是一种基于集成学习(ensemble learning)的机器学习算法,它的基本原理是通过对多个决策树的预测结果进行平均或投票,以产生最终的分类结果。 随机森林算法可用于回归和分类问题。关于随机森林算法在回归问题上的应用可参考:TODO 随机森林分类算法可以应用于各种需要进行分类或预 ......
scikit-learn 森林 基础 scikit learn

CF1523H Hopping Around the Array

首先考虑 \(k = 0\) 的情况。 贪心,最后一步之前每个 \(i\) 只会跳到 \(j \in [i, i + a_i]\) 且 \(j + a_j\) 最大的点 \(j\),这个信息或许可以线性处理?但是我没脑子,我用线段树维护,时间复杂度 \(\mathcal O(n \log n)\)。 ......
Hopping Around 1523H Array 1523

CF1886E I Wanna be the Team Leader 题解

Problem - E - Codeforces I Wanna be the Team Leader - 洛谷 差一点就想到了/ll 遇到困难?排序肯定不会变差! 性质:每个项目分配的程序员肯定是一段(显然) \(m\) 很小?考虑设 \(dp_{i,S}\) 表示考虑前 \(i\) 个人选项目集 ......
题解 Leader 1886E Wanna 1886

6 Fear of the Dark

题目是一定有答案的,说明所有的情况都是可行的,那么就会有两种情况 1 两个圆都包括了起点和终点 2 一个原包括了起点,另一个原包括了终点(圆一定是相交的) #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; double dx(int x1,int y1,int ......
Fear Dark the of

CF1886D Monocarp and the Set 题解

Monocarp and the Set - 洛谷 Problem - D - Codeforces 非常之降智 加入一个数让他满足他是最大值需要判断前面加入的那些数中最大的是哪个,但删除一个数让他满足是最大值只需要直接把他删掉即可 因此我们要反着考虑这个问题: 如果当前是 <,则删除最小的数,有一 ......
题解 Monocarp 1886D 1886 and

报错 To run and debug the Harmony device, configure the HarmonyOS runtime.

这个工程是OpenHarmony工程,你的设备是HarmonyOS设备。可以按照这个方法试试: 在模块下的build-profile.json5文件中的target数组下添加"runtimeOS": "HarmonyOS",然后重新签名,签名的时候勾选supportHarmony 如图 重新签名打包 ......
HarmonyOS configure the Harmony runtime

Ansible 报错 Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password)

[root@k8s-master ~]# ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/copy.yml PLAY [webservers] ************************************************************************ ......
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