
[USACO] Piggy Back

[USACO] Piggy Back 题目大概意思是一个无向图,Bessie 从 1 号仓库走到 n 号(每次花费 x), Elsie 从 2 号仓库走到 n 号(每次花费 y),如果两个人走同一条路花费 z,求总花费最小。 跑三遍最短路,别得到 Bessie 从 1 号仓库出发的最短路,Elsie ......
USACO Piggy Back


Problem Description Before ACM can do anything, a budget must be prepared and the necessary financial support obtained. The main income for this actio ......
背包 Piggy-Bank Piggy Bank hdu

P2973 [USACO10HOL] Driving Out the Piggies G 臭气弹

[题目链接](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P2973 "题目链接") 题目: 奶牛们建立了一个随机化的臭气炸弹来驱逐猪猡。猪猡的文明包含1到N (2 using namespace std; const int maxn=350; const int eps=1 ......
臭气 Driving Piggies P2973 USACO

Luogu P2973 [USACO10HOL]Driving Out the Piggies G

发现答案其实与这个点炸弹经过的次数有关,因为只要知道了这个点炸弹经过次数 $w$,这个点答案就能算出:$w\times \frac{p}{q}$ 就想到设 $f_u$ 为 $u$ 点炸弹经过次数 $u$ 点经过次数便可以由有连边的 $v$ 点推来,要满足 $v$ 点此时炸弹没爆炸且 $deg_v$ ......
Driving Piggies Luogu P2973 USACO
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