rational 102354i modular from

UVA1396 Most Distant Point from the Sea 题解

Link UVA1396 Most Distant Point from the Sea Question 在大海的中央,有一个凸 \(n\) 边形的小岛,求出岛上离海边最远的一个点到海边的距离 Solution 二分答案,然后去验证是否有一个点,距离海的距离大于 \(mid\) 如何验证? 把每条 ......
题解 Distant Point 1396 Most

[944] Extracting tables from a PDF in Python

To extract tables from a PDF in Python, we can use several libraries. One popular choice is the tabula-py library, which is a Python wrapper for Apach ......
Extracting tables Python from 944

Learning to rank: from pairwise approach to listwise approach

目录概ListNetPermutation ProbabilityTop-k Probability Cao Z., Qin T., Liu T., Tsai M. and Li H. Learning to rank: from pairwise approach to listwise appr ......
approach Learning pairwise listwise to

ERROR: Permission to stevenlong123/test.git denied to smith-bing. fatal: Could not read from remote

第一次练习git提交代码到github时出现的错误。这里就是说github服务器拒接了我们,不支持远程连接。发现是因为我使用的是ssh来提交的,ssh是安全连接需要通信双方各有一对公钥私钥,github服务器不会自动交换公钥,需要手动在github存储库中部署自己电脑的公钥。使用git命令“ls - ......

docker使用--gpus all报错: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].

报错信息: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]]. 解决方法: 1,任意路径下创建nvidia-container-runtime-script ......
docker quot capabilities response daemon

[939] Generate a new shapefile based on a list of records and query polygons from a large shapefile

ref: arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(in_features, out_layer, {where_clause}, {workspace}, {field_info}) ref: arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute ......
shapefile Generate polygons records based

Natural Image Reconstruction from fMRI using Deep Learning: A Survey

Natural Image Reconstruction from fMRI using Deep Learning: A Survey Zarina Rakhimberdina 1,3, Quentin Jodelet 1,3, Xin Liu 2,3,∗, Tsuyoshi Murata 1,3 ......
Reconstruction Learning Natural Survey Image

The A to Z of ... from the Economist

The A to Z of economicsEconomic terms, from “absolute advantage” to “zero-sum game”, explained to you in plain Englishhttps://www.economist.com/econom ......
Economist from The the to

Mysql中如何解决You can't specify target table '表名' for update in FROM clause报错

Mysql中如何解决You can't specify target table '表名' for update in FROM clause报错 为什么会出现这个错误呢?这是因为在MySQL使用时,在同一条SQL语句中,不允许先SELECT出同一个表的某些值,再对该表进行UPDATE操作。 解决方 ......
39 specify clause target update

mysql中select、from、where、group by、having、order by 、limit执行顺序

语法顺序:select->from->where->group by->having->order by -> limit执行顺序:from --> where -- > group by --> having --> select --> order by --> limit1)from子句组装来 ......
顺序 having select mysql group

Management-Decision Making-{Rational,BoundedRational,Intuitive} D.M.

Management-Decision-{ Rational D.M.: Logical, Consistent and maximize value BoundedRational D.M.: "Good Enough" based on reality Intuitive D.M.: on th ......

Ubuntu18.04 打开终端报错: ERROR: ld.so: object ‘xxx.so‘ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded 解决办法

1、问题现象在文件界面打开终端的时候,突然发现开头有一堆报错ERROR: ld.so: object './envlib.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.ERROR: ......
LD_PRELOAD 终端 preloaded PRELOAD 办法

pip下载python软件包时报错 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement requests_toolbelt (from versions: none)

pip下载python软件包时报错,使用了国内源等各种方法,后来才知道是电脑中打开了抓包工具;打开抓包工具后一定要关闭抓包工具,这样下载软件包就下载下来了 关闭抓包工具后,下载成功了 ......

An invitation to 3-d vision: from images to geometric models英文pdf下载

Ma Y, Soatto S, Košecká J, et al. An invitation to 3-d vision: from images to geometric models[M]. New York: springer, 2004. https://www.eecis.udel.ed ......
invitation geometric images models vision

Advanced diagnostic tools from Autonumen.com

The CNH DPA 5 Diagnostic Kit, John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Diagnostic Tool, Porsche Tester PIWIS III, Nexiq USB Link 2, and GM Tech2 are all adva ......
diagnostic Autonumen Advanced tools from

编译Fastdfs报错——In file included from ../common/fdfs_global.c:21:0: ../common/fdfs_global.h:15:26: 致命错误:sf/sf_global.h:没有那个文件或目录

记录一下安装 fastdfs 时编译报错,报错信息如下: 原因: 这是因为我们在安装较新版得 fastdfs 时,从github 下载得安装包缺少文件,如果按照网上很多博主较早之前写的文档操作得话就会出现这样得错误,缺少了 libserverframe 网络框架 解决方法:安装 libserverf ......
global fdfs_global common fdfs sf_global

PreTrainedModel 中 from_pretrained 和 load_state_dict 的关联

from_pretrained AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained:从path/vocab.json中加载tokenizer AutoConfig.from_pretrained:从path/config.json中加载模型配置信息 更新模型配置信息:model = Mode ......

The following perl modules required by RepeatModeler are missing from your system. Please install these first: JSON; JSON::PP; File::Which

001、问题 RepeatModeler 编译安装报错如下: 002、尝试逐个安装确实的perl模块; 也是各种问题; 最后不想折腾, 就大力出奇迹,全安装, 可一次解决所有报错; (base) [root@pc1 RepeatModeler-2.0.2a]# yum -y install perl ......

SpringOne Essentials | From Spring Native to Spring Boot 3 | Spring Framework 6: Infrastructure Themes

Schedule | SpringOne Essentials From Spring Native to Spring Boot 3 | SpringOne Essentials Spring Framework 6: Infrastructure Themes | SpringOne Essen ......


使用vs2022的时候发现找不到窗体(windows 窗体) 后而来发现是因为没有安装.net…… 去新建项目哪里安装就好了—— 拉到最下选择安装多个工具和功能 选这个 等它安好就可以啦—— ......
项目 From cs

tar: Removing leading `/' from member names

在执行压缩文件命令时,出现 tar: Removing leading `/' from member names 的问题,详情如下: dates=$(date -d yesterday +%F%m%d) tar -zcvf /root/backup/$dates.tar.gz /usr/bigda ......
Removing leading member names from

遇到的问题 vscode 连接远程主机报错 `Resolver error: Error: Got bad result from install script`

解决方案 我发现我的 cmd.exe 崩溃了(它会弹出并立即关闭) 我将注册表值Autorun 从更改HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor为if exists空白(如此链接所示)。 我的 cmd.exe 工作正常,远程 SSH ......
Resolver 主机 install vscode result

Distilling Knowledge from Graph Convolutional Networks

目录概符号说明DistillGCNLocal Structure Preserving代码 Yang Y., Qiu J., Song M., Tao D. and Wang X. Distilling knowledge from graph convolutional networks. CVP ......


1.使用背景 在做接口测试的时候,发现其中有一个登录接口是form-data格式的,不同于其他json格式,那么在做请求的时候就需要做一些改变。 2.设置参数 (1)HTTP请求勾选上【对POST使用multipart/from-data】 2.HTTP请求--》配置元件--》添加HTTP信息头管理 ......
from-data 接口 文件 Jmeter from

解决failure: repodata/repomd.xml from kubernetes: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try

解决方法:出现这个问题的主要原因是阿里的国内yum源出现问题了,应该是文件换路径或升级了,或者原来的文件不存在了;提示提供1-5种解决方案,此时,只需要修改/etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo的gpgcheck和repo_gpgcheck参数,要求变为0,见下: cat ......
kubernetes repodata failure mirrors repomd

[933] In ArcPy, how to get the geometry of a feature from a shapefile

In ArcPy, you can get the geometry of a feature from a shapefile using the SearchCursor or UpdateCursor and the SHAPE@ token to access the geometry of ......
shapefile geometry feature ArcPy from

容器报错 Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint

在启动容器时的容器时,会出现报错:Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint XXX(端口映射或启动容器时报错) 如下: 原因:在我们启动了Docker后,我们再对防火 ......

本地起服务报错Logging system failed to initialize using configuration from 'file:config/log4j2.xml'

问题现象: 本地起服务报错Logging system failed to initialize using configuration from 'file:config/log4j2.xml' 解决方法: 1、检查一下依赖 <dependency> <groupId>org.springfram ......

RSA总结 From La神

常用工具 🥳 分解大素数 factordb (http://www.factordb.com / API: http://factordb.com/api?query=) yafu (p q 相差过大或过小yafu可分解成功) sage (divisors(n))(小素数) Pollard’s p ......
From RSA

rabbitmq Could not find handle.exe, please install from sysinternals

报错:Could not find handle.exe, please install from sysinternals 这是由于rabbitmq 调用 windows系统中handle.exe,但是handle.exe缺失而导致的错误。 解决方案: 下载 https://learn.micro ......
sysinternals rabbitmq install handle please