
Count Of Range Sum

Count Of Range Sum 题目: 求数组arr的子数组累加和在range [low, high]范围(闭区间)的个数 方法一:归并排序 // 思路与转换:累加和 => 前缀和数组sum, // i > j, 若sum[i] - sum[j] in [low, high], 则arr中[j ......
Count Range Sum Of

Counting Arrays CF893E

给出x和y,求一个长度为y的序列,其乘积为x,允许有负数,求这种序列的个数, x分解质因数,考虑每个 p^e, 把e分为y 份( 可以为0),个数为 C( e+y-1,e) 这题需要乘法逆元 来进行乘法 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include ......
Counting Arrays 893E 893 CF

[LeetCode] 2316. Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph

You are given an integer n. There is an undirected graph with n nodes, numbered from 0 to n - 1. You are given a 2D integer array edges where edges[i] ......
Unreachable Undirected LeetCode Count Graph

[ABC276G] Count Sequences 题解

考虑差分,设 $d_i=a_i-a_{i-1}$,特别的,$d_1=a_1$,那么约束就变成了 $\displaystyle\sum d_i\le m$。 对所有 $i>1$ 有 $d_i\not\equiv 0\pmod 3$。 发现 $d_1$ 非常特殊,于是可以单独考虑 $d_1\equiv ......
题解 Sequences Count 276G ABC

[AtCoder] B - Counting Grids

The key observation is that there is always at most 1 cell that violates both conditions. Proof: if x violates both conditions, that means all other n ......
Counting AtCoder Grids

CVPR论文解读《Learning To Count Everything》

密集场景下的目标检测与计数 ———CVPR论文解读《Learning To Count Everything》 计数是我们经常会碰到的问题,使用最贴近我们生活实际的情景举例。例如统计上课已到教室的人数,或者统计货架上的物品数量、统计书架上的书本数。在比较密集的情况下,通过人工计数是非常麻烦的,但如果 ......
Everything Learning 论文 Count CVPR
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