发布时间 2023-11-02 22:13:19作者: MOVIT

//correspond, customary, dishonor, draft, endorse, flexible, interval, occasion, payable, remit, cash on delivery (COD), customary practices, pay off

correspond - 符合,一致

Correspond means to match or be in agreement with something else. It refers to the similarity or compatibility between two or more things, such as ideas, opinions, or actions.

customary - 习惯的,惯例的

Customary refers to something that is based on or follows established practices, traditions, or norms. It describes actions or behaviors that are considered typical or usual in a particular culture or society.

dishonor - 违背,辱没

To dishonor means to fail to fulfill or violate an obligation, commitment, or promise. It implies a lack of respect or disregard for an agreement or expectation, resulting in a loss of reputation or trust.

draft - 草稿,起草

A draft is a preliminary or rough version of a document, such as a letter, contract, or proposal. It is an early stage in the creation or development process before the final version is prepared.

endorse - 支持,背书

To endorse means to support, approve, or advocate for something or someone. It involves expressing public approval or providing a formal declaration of support, often through a statement or signature.

flexible - 灵活的,可变通的

Flexible describes something that is adaptable, adjustable, or able to change easily. It refers to the ability to modify or alter plans, rules, or approaches in response to different circumstances or needs.

interval - 间隔,间距

An interval is a period of time or a space between two points or events. It refers to the duration or distance between two specific instances or locations.

occasion - 场合,时机

Occasion refers to a specific event, situation, or time that is suitable or appropriate for a particular action or purpose. It involves taking advantage of a favorable or opportune moment.

payable - 应付的,可支付的

Payable means that a sum of money is owed or due to be paid. It indicates that a particular amount is required to be settled or discharged, typically to a specific recipient or entity.

remit - 汇款,寄送

To remit means to send or transfer money, usually to someone in a different location or to settle a debt or obligation. It involves making a payment or delivering funds to a designated recipient.

cash on delivery (COD) - 货到付款

Cash on delivery (COD) is a payment method where the buyer pays for goods or services in cash at the time of delivery. It allows the customer to inspect the items before making the payment.

customary practices - 习俗,惯例的做法

Customary practices are traditional or established ways of doing things within a specific culture, community, or organization. They are the usual or common behaviors, rituals, or procedures that are followed as a matter of tradition or habit.

pay off - 偿还,付清

To pay off means to fully repay or settle a debt, loan, or financial obligation. It involves making the necessary payments to close or eliminate the outstanding balance. It can also refer to achieving a successful outcome or result after putting in effort or investment.


  1. I will correspond with my pen pal via email to exchange letters.
  2. The colors of the flowers correspond with the decor of the room.
  3. The data in the spreadsheet should correspond with the information in the database.


  1. It is customary to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time.
  2. In many cultures, it is customary to bring a gift when visiting someone's home.
  3. It is customary to say "thank you" when someone does something kind for you.


  1. The bank will dishonor a check if there are insufficient funds in the account.
  2. It is considered a serious offense to dishonor a contract or agreement.
  3. The company was dishonored when it was discovered that they had engaged in unethical practices.


  1. The lawyer prepared a draft of the contract for the client to review.
  2. The team is working on a draft of the proposal before finalizing it.
  3. The writer is currently working on the first draft of their new novel.


  1. The celebrity was paid to endorse the new product in a television commercial.
  2. The bank requires two signatures to endorse a check for deposit.
  3. The company decided to endorse the candidate for the upcoming election.


  1. The schedule for the meeting is flexible, so we can adjust the time if needed.
  2. The yoga instructor teaches a class that focuses on improving flexibility.
  3. The company has a flexible work policy that allows employees to choose their own hours.


  1. The timer is set to beep at regular intervals to remind you to take a break.
  2. The doctor advised taking the medication at two-hour intervals.
  3. The interval between each train is approximately five minutes.


  1. The wedding was a joyous occasion for the couple and their families.
  2. We dressed up for the special occasion of our anniversary dinner.
  3. The company held a party to celebrate the occasion of reaching their sales target.


  1. The invoice is payable within 30 days of receiving it.
  2. The check is payable to the order of the named recipient.
  3. The rent is payable on the first day of each month.


  1. Please remit the payment by the due date to avoid any late fees.
  2. The company will remit the funds to your bank account within three business days.
  3. The customer requested to remit the defective product for a refund.

cash on delivery (COD):

  1. The customer chose the option of cash on delivery for the purchase.
  2. The company offers cash on delivery service to customers who prefer to pay upon receiving the goods.
  3. The courier collected the payment in cash on delivery of the package.

customary practices:

  1. In some cultures, it is customary to bow as a sign of respect when greeting someone.
  2. The company has implemented customary practices to ensure the safety of its employees.
  3. The customary practices of the local community were respected and followed during the event.

pay off:

  1. All the hard work and effort finally paid off when she received the job offer.
  2. The company's investment in new technology paid off with increased productivity.
  3. It took years of saving, but they were able to pay off their mortgage early.

//Title: Understanding Correspondence and Payment Practices in Business Transactions

In business transactions, effective correspondence and payment practices play a vital role in maintaining trust and ensuring smooth operations. This article explores the importance of customary practices and flexible payment options to avoid dishonor and facilitate successful transactions.

Correspondence is essential for clear communication and agreement between parties. To ensure a smooth process, it is customary to draft and endorse written agreements that outline the terms and conditions of the transaction. This provides a record of the agreed-upon terms and serves as a reference in case of any disputes or misunderstandings.

Flexible payment options are often preferred to accommodate different circumstances. It is common for payments to be made in intervals, allowing the payee to remit the amount payable over a specified period. This flexibility enables the payer to manage their finances more effectively while still fulfilling their obligations.

In certain situations, cash on delivery (COD) may be the preferred payment method. This practice ensures that the payee receives the payment immediately upon delivery of the goods or services. This provides a sense of security and trust in the transaction, reducing the risk of non-payment or dishonor.

It is important to adhere to customary practices and pay off any outstanding amounts in a timely manner. By honoring payment obligations, trust is maintained, and the business relationship can thrive. Failure to do so may result in dishonor and damage to the reputation of the parties involved.

In conclusion, effective correspondence and payment practices are crucial in business transactions. By adhering to customary practices, employing flexible payment options, and promptly fulfilling payment obligations, successful transactions can take place. It is essential to maintain clear communication, adhere to agreed-upon terms, and ensure the timely payment of amounts payable to foster trust and a positive business relationship.