matrix power of

C++标准库std::string的find_first_not_of 方法介绍:

C++标准库 std::string 的 find_first_not_of 方法介绍: 例如: stra.find_first_not_of(s_fmt_a) 在字符串 stra 中找到第一个 不在 s_fmt_a 字符串中出现过的字符。 stra = "abc", abc 字符 都在 s_fmt ......
find_first_not_of 标准 方法 string first

CodeForces 1913E Matrix Problem

洛谷传送门 CF 传送门 考虑费用流,对于每一行建两个点 \(i_0, i_1\),分别代表这一行的所有 \(0, 1\)。同样每一列建两个点 \(j_0, j_1\)。源点分别向 \(i_0, i_1\) 连流量为这一行要求的 \(0\) 或 \(1\) 的个数,费用为 \(0\)。同理连汇点。 ......
CodeForces Problem Matrix 1913E 1913

责任链模式 Chain Of Responsibility

一、定义 为请求创建一个接收此次请求对象的链 特点:类中包含一个和自己同类型类的对象 二、适用场景 一个请求的处理需要多个对象当中的一个或几个协作处理 三、优缺点 1、优点 请求的发送者和接收者(请求的处理)解耦 责任链可以动态组合 2、缺点 责任链太长或者处理时间过长,影响性能 责任链有可能过多 ......
Responsibility 模式 责任 Chain Of

Nacos启动:[NACOS HTTP-POST] The maximum number of tolerable server reconnection errors has been reached

一、表象 二、分析 源码: public HttpRestResult<String> httpPost(String path, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, String> paramValues, String encode, long re ......

The Missing Semester of Your CS Education----shell工具和脚本

一.shell脚本 1.$的关键字 $0 - 脚本名 $1 到 $9 - 脚本的参数。 $1 是第一个参数,依此类推。 $@ - 所有参数 $# - 参数个数 $? - 前一个命令的返回值 $$ - 当前脚本的进程识别码 !! - 完整的上一条命令,包括参数。常见应用:当你因为权限不足执行命令失败时 ......
脚本 Education Semester Missing 工具

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber?

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber? As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings about shopping on November or a ......
Novermber Shopping Crazy think What

What do you think of Online and Classroom Class advantages and disadvantages?

What do you think of Online and Classroom Class advantages and disadvantages? Online and classroom classes each have their own set of advantages and d ......

Why the developed country choose the countries of southeast Asia to build processing factory used their labour force?

The developed countries choose countries in Southeast Asia to build processing factories and utilize their labor force for various reasons. Some of th ......
processing the developed countries southeast

CF Edu160E Matrix Problem

场上疯狂想求任意解+改动解至最优。。想不下去的时候一定要再读一遍题跳出来啊。 限制每一行每一列的 \(1\) 的个数,这很匹配啊!! 考虑网络流,左侧 \(n\) 个节点连流量 \(a_i\),右侧 \(m\) 个节点连流量 \(b_i\)。 对于原矩阵中为 \(0\) 的项 \((i,j)\),若 ......
Problem Matrix 160E 160 Edu

CentOS7 yum错误:One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown)

一、现象 二、原因 可能会有其他原因造成该问题(如,网络问题)。我这边的问题是红框中指定镜像重复,导致yum命令执行失败。 三、解决 cd /etc/yum.repos.d 排查重复的repo并将其删除。 ......

Nacos启动:[NACOS HTTP-POST] The maximum number of tolerable server reconnection errors has been reached

一、表象 二、分析 源码: public HttpRestResult<String> httpPost(String path, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, String> paramValues, String encode, long re ......

Is every covariance matrix positive definite?

Well, to understand why the covariance matrix of a population is always positive semi-definite, notice that: \[\sum_{i, j=1}^n y_i \cdot y_j \cdot \op ......
covariance definite positive matrix every

CF1912J Joy of Pokémon Observation记录

题目链接: 题意简述 求方程 \(\sum \limits_{i =1}^{s} l_i x_i = t\) 的非负 ......
Observation 1912J 1912 233 Joy

Nacos启动:[NACOS HTTP-POST] The maximum number of tolerable server reconnection errors has been reached

一、表象 二、分析 源码: public HttpRestResult<String> httpPost(String path, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, String> paramValues, String encode, long re ......

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems_P2

187. Problems for Section 5.4: Design Using Dynamic Compensation 5.21 Let \[G(s) = \frac{1}{s^{2} + 7s + 12}\ \text{~}\text{and}\text{~}\ D_{c}(s) = K ......
Systems_P Feedback Control Dynamic Systems

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems_P1

GLOBAL EDITION 1. Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems EIGHTH EDITION Franklin \(\cdot\) Powell \(・\) Emami-Naeini Table of Laplace Transforms Number \ ......
Systems_P Feedback Control Dynamic Systems

CF1913 E Matrix Problem 题解

Link CF1913 E Matrix Problem Question 给定一个 \(n\times m\) 的 01 矩阵,你可以把矩阵中的任意一个元素 01 翻转 需要最后的矩阵满足,每行 \(1\) 的个数有 \(A[i]\) 个,每列 \(1\) 的个数有 \(B[i]\) 个 Solu ......
题解 Problem Matrix 1913 CF

[ARC107F] Sum of Abs

[ARC107F] Sum of Abs 发现点数比较少,考虑最小割 我们最大可能的答案为 \(\sum|b_i|\) ,现在考虑减去多余答案 首先点可以不选,于是拆点,之间边权为 \(a_i+|b_i|\) 钦定割完之后,和 \(S\) 连通的点最终取正数,和 \(T\) 连通的点最终取负数,于是 ......
107F ARC 107 Sum Abs

IDEA中出现java file outside of source root

该问题出现原因是,该文件不可编译,需要设置一下sourcesRoot, 一般设置java文件夹为sourceRoot,否则原来的package路径需要更改 ......
outside source IDEA java file

Sum of XOR Functions 题解

题意 给定一个数 \(n\) 和一个包含 \(n\) 个数的序列 \(a\),求出以下式子模 \(998244353\) 的值: \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=i}^{n} f(i,j)\times (j-i+1)\)。 其中 \(f(i,j)\) 的值为 \(a_{i}\oplu ......
题解 Functions Sum XOR of

covariance matrix in signal processing

cross-covariance In the case of complex random variables, the covariance is defined slightly differently compared to real random variables. For comple ......
covariance processing matrix signal in

Nacos启动:[NACOS HTTP-POST] The maximum number of tolerable server reconnection errors has been reached

一、表象 二、分析 源码: public HttpRestResult<String> httpPost(String path, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, String> paramValues, String encode, long re ......

Power BI - 5分钟学习列填充值

每天5分钟,今天介绍Power BI在列填充值 什么是列填充值?可以向上填充和向下将列中的空值,填充为本列中最后一个非空值。 举例: 以【Product】表为例,表中"Product"列有合并单元格。 导入Power BI后,"Product"列有很多null值。 通过通过列填充值操作,可以将这些n ......
Power BI

Bias of an estimator

Bias of an estimator Difference between an estimator's expected value from a parameter's true value For broader coverage of this topic, see Bias (stat ......
estimator Bias of an

power query合并查询(VLOOKUP功能相似)

合并查询原理 功能:与EXCEL中的VLOOKUP函数(=VLOOKUP(查询条件,查询范围,精确“0”还是模糊“1”匹配))功能相似,根据A表中的条件从B表中找到对应的数据,并根据一定的匹配规则提取该部分数据到A表中; 一、单条件合并查询 定义:选取表一中的一列作为条件,与表二中的单一对应列匹配的 ......
VLOOKUP 功能 power query

Is Attention Better Than Matrix Decomposition?

Is Attention Better Than Matrix Decomposition? * Authors: [[Zhengyang Geng]], [[Meng-Hao Guo]], [[Hongxu Chen]], [[Xia Li]], [[Ke Wei]], [[Zhouchen Li ......
Decomposition Attention Better Matrix Than

CARAFE: Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures 可学习的上采样

CARAFE: Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures * Authors: [[Jiaqi Wang]], [[Kai Chen]], [[Rui Xu]], [[Ziwei Liu]], [[Chen Change Loy]], [[Dahua Lin]] DO ......

UNetFormer: A UNet-like transformer for efficient semantic segmentation of remote sensing urban scene imagery

UNetFormer: A UNet-like transformer for efficient semantic segmentation of remote sensing urban scene imagery * Authors: [[Libo Wang]], [[Rui Li]], [[ ......

用DE10_NANO_SOC_FB生成dts的时候 提示Component alt_vip_itc_0 of class alt_vip_itc is unknown

当使用DE10_NANO_SOC_FB工程产生dts时提示 Component alt_vip_itc_0 of class alt_vip_itc is unknown: 如果此时生成了dtb, 可以忽略这个提示。 如果没有生成,您可以先在Qsys 中把这两个器件disable 掉, 然后top文 ......
alt_vip_itc NANO_SOC_FB Component alt vip

A Guide to Image and Video based Small Object Detection using Deep Learning : Case Study of Maritime Surveillance

A Guide to Image and Video based Small Object Detection using Deep Learning : Case Study of Maritime Surveillance 基于图像和视频的小对象指南使用深度学习进行检测:的案例研究海上监视 1 ......
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