
(GCC) gcc编译选项 -Wl, -start-group,whole-archive,-Wl, Bstatic

1. start-group 编译选项 假设程序x依赖三个静态库:libX1.a、libX2.a和libX3.a,而libX2.a又依赖libX1.a,libX3.a依赖libX2.a和libX1.a,正常情况下的CMakeLists.txt格式如下 target_link_libraries( x ......

[ARC161F] Everywhere is Sparser than Whole (Judge)

Problem StatementWe define the density of a non-empty simple undirected graph as $\displaystyle\frac{(\text{number of edges})}{(\text{number of vertic ......
Everywhere Sparser Judge Whole 161F

ARC161F Everywhere is Sparser than Whole (Judge)

[题面传送门](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/AT_arc161_f) 先大概移个项 ,就是要你找有没有非空真导出子图满足 $E-ND\geq 0$。 如果它只问了 $E-ND>0$ 这是经典的最大权闭合子图模型,令每条边为左部点,每个点为右部点,边的权值为 $1 ......
Everywhere Sparser Judge Whole 161F

Rendering the Whole Wide World on the World Wide Web - Kevin Ring,2013 - Cesium&AGI

Kevin Ring,Analytical Graphics, Inc. December 2, 2013 1. Massive Terrain Rendering(大批量地形渲染) 2. Cesium Platform - Javascript,webgl,web workers,typed ar ......
World Wide Rendering the Cesium
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